Hello and welcome,
Cable Express is here to serve you.
If you experience a halt, please refer to the information below that corresponds to your situation.
- There are systematic technical halts, which typically last no longer than two minutes.
- In the case of a halt lasting more than two minutes—there's no need to worry; this is a planned stop, and we are aware of it. The cable car will resume operation within a few minutes
War Alarm – Emergency
Dear passengers, to signal that there is an alarm, we will turn the lights of the car on and off for a few seconds. The car will continue to move immediately, and you should disembark at the nearest station.
War Alarm
Dear passengers, an alarm is currently sounding. The lights of the car will flash several times as a warning.Please proceed to the nearest station, disembark from the car, and seek shelter as indicated by the signs.
We recommend installing the Home Front Command app:
The official Home Front Command app provides alerts, instructions, and real-time lifesaving information based on your location and your selected areas of interest.

פיקוד העורף
Home Front Command - Official App
Ensure that vibration is enabled for notifications.